Schema creation, validation with serialization and deserialization for input data
Payeezy API library for Elixir.
A simple package to convert .pdf file to .txt using OCR API
Peatio Exchange compatibility API for Elixir.
Helper for converting and performing math operations on values of Time, Date, DateTime, and NaiveDateTime along with storing in database ...
Adds support for PostgreSQL's money data type.
PostgreSQL range types for Ecto PgRanges provides a simple wrapper around `Postgrex.Range` so that you can create schemas with range typ...
A plug for Phoenix that validates and transforms HTTP request params.
An Elixir Phoenix Auto Administration Package.
Elixir client for ClickHouse, a fast open-source Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database management system.
Server-side rendered SVG graphing components for Phoenix and LiveView
An incredibly fast, pure Elixir JSON library
PostgreSQL driver for Elixir
PostgreSQL driver for Elixir compatible with CockroachDB
PostgreSQL driver for Elixir
Command-line progress bars and spinners.
A fast, easy to use and 100% conformant Elixir library for Google Protocol Buffers (aka protobuf)
A currency converter that uses the API provided by the Brazilian Open Data Portal to perform quotes.
Library for generation National Bank of Ukraine payment Quick Response Codes
An Elixir data structure that encapsulates a decimal value with a unit
A technical analysis library for algorithmic trading.
Radix + Elixir
An Elixir client for managing a RaiBlocks node.
This library allows you to use Rational numbers in Elixir, to enable exact calculations with all numbers big and small.
An implementation of RDF for Elixir.
Req plugin for Google BigQuery
Elixir utility for retrying Ecto operations
Elixir utility for retrying stale Ecto entry operations
Event-sourced microservices framework