
  • 72 059
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 3 708
    membrane_aac_plugin 0.19.0

    Membrane Multimedia Framework plugin for AAC

  • 21 137
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 2 348
    membrane_flv_plugin 0.13.0

    FLV Container implementation for Membrane Framework

  • 48 707
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 2 280
    membrane_http_adaptive_stream_plugin 0.18.6

    Membrane plugin for adaptive streaming over HTTP

  • 2 089
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 170
    membrane_mp3_lame_plugin 0.18.2

    Membrane MP3 encoder based on Lame

  • 23 365
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 2 620
    membrane_rtmp_plugin 0.27.3

    RTMP Plugin for Membrane Multimedia Framework

  • 1 386
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 38
    metrex 0.2.1

    Simple metrics for elixir apps

  • 325 829
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 21 395
    modular 0.3.2

    Apply modular programming principles and patterns to build better Elixir apps

  • 59
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 27
    moonwalk 0.0.1

    A tool to define API specifications adhering to the Moonwalk specification.

  • 100
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 29
    my_credo_checks 0.1.3

    @antedeguemon's Credo checks

  • 58 046
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 995
    nicene 0.7.0

    A Credo plugin containing additional checks.

  • 3 389
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 543
    oapi_open_ai 0.4.4

    OpenAI REST API Client

  • 167
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 33
    openapi_codegen 0.1.0

    OpenApiCodeGen is a Code Generation tool for Elixir

  • 705
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 71
    philtre 0.12.1

    A block-style editor for live view

  • 265 614
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 8 549
    phoenix_gen_socket_client 4.0.0

    Socket client behaviour for phoenix channels.

  • 1 102
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 269
    pid_controller 0.1.3

    A PID (proportional/integral/derivative) controller in Elixir.

  • 337 513
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 13 564
    plug_static_index_html 1.0.0

    Serves `index.html` pages for requests to paths without a filename in Phoenix / Plug applications.

  • 673
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 29
    pokemon_gif 1.0.2

    Elixir package to get Pokemon's gif out of an ID or name.

  • 105
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 25
    ports_scanner 0.1.0

    Application to figure out which ports are open in a specific host.

  • 114 323
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 7 283
    posexional 1.1.1

    A library to manage positional files

  • 1 936
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 55
    pravda 0.6.4

    OpenAPI 3 phoenix plug based validation.

  • 38
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 38
    quokka 1.1.0

    A Credo-configured code-style enforcer that will just fix it for you instead of complaining

  • 742
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 61
    remedy 0.6.8

    Discord Library in Elixir.

  • 52 862
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 25
    sendinblue 0.1.0

    simple sendinblue lib.

  • 731
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 63
    significa_utils 0.0.7

    Collection of elixir utils

  • 4 499
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 81
    steemex 0.14.3

    Elixir HTTP/Websockets client library for official Steemit API and standard steemd JSONRPC interface. Includes module for pseudo realtime...

  • 438
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 47
    t2_server_query 0.1.3

    Query any Tribes 2 server and retrieve the current map, players, team scores and more!

  • 1 463
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 427
    tallarium_credo 0.1.0

    Custom Elixir rules used at Tallarium

  • 77 476
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 12 193
    type_check 0.13.7

    Fast and flexible runtime type-checking: Type checks are optimized by the compiler and types can be composed, re-used and turned into pro...

  • 41
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 29
    typesense_live_dashboard 0.1.0

    A Phoenix LiveDashboard which uses open_api_typesense

  • 41
    total downloads
    recent downloads: 29
    typesense_web 0.1.0

    A Phoenix LiveView app, similar to typesense-dashboard app in the Docker Compose, which uses open_api_typesense

Showing 61–90 packages of 93 total