An OTP application for reading and parsing GPS data written in Elixir. Will attach to an serial port, and provide positions to subscriber...
Lib for elixir
Webhook magic in Elixir
Elixir HTTP/Websockets client library for official Steemit API and standard steemd JSONRPC interface. Includes module for pseudo realtime...
Txbox is a Bitcoin transaction storage schema
Flow-Based Programming with Elixir GenStage.
Client library for the Particle Cloud API.
Package providing a flexible gateway connection to the Discord API.
Elasticsearch Elixir Bulk Processor is a configurable manager for efficiently inserting data into Elasticsearch. This processor uses gens...
Hivent is a messaging platform that makes it easy to build Reactive Microservice systems.
Hardware Abstraction Layer for Nerves Devices
A simple Elixir web crawler library powered by GenStage.
API client library for any MediaWiki-based site, such as Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons. Provides the Action API, realtime feed ingestion...
An event sourcing library based upon asynchronously generated perspectives
Discord Library in Elixir.
Alchemetrics is a wrapper around exometer, that uses GenStage to backpressure the reports.
A Discord wrapper / framework for elixir. This package intends to provide a solid foundation for interacting with the Discord API, as we...
An Airtable API interface that optionally provides a rate-limiting server and a local cache.
Library to validate and exchange messages
Klarna's Brod kafka client wrapped into GenStage.
River is an http/2 (HTTP2) client for Elixir (a work in progress, though!)
Fawkes is a system for building chatbots.
Marketo REST api client
GenStage wrapper for simplifying event consumption and production
Socket framework for elixir.
Crawl and subscribe to Bitcoin transaction events using Bitbus, Bitsocket and BitFS.
Elixir websockets library and utilities for GOLOS JSONRPC websocket interface
A back-pressured backfill executor for Ecto.
A client for sending and receiving messages on NKN
The Brains of the Farmbot Project