Sane pub/sub within and across nodes.
A web crawler that respects `robots.txt`.
ENet - Reliable UDP networking library
Simple API for spawning RabbitMQ Producers and Consumers.
Consumer for Kafka using brod
An OTP cart meant for use in eCommerce applications
Cowboy session management
A Elixir wrapper that communicates with the Telegram-CLI.
Multiplayer game server framework
A worker pool written in Elixir
This is not production ready yet but I want your feedback.
A configurable spherical geodesic grid data model designed for simulations GEOF Planet offers an ideal data model for simulations of 2Â...
Continuous-ing Integration (...core). A distributed pipeline-based command line task runner providing the core functionality for a CI ser...
A light-weight job queue (think DAG) manager.
An undead cleanup crew for your processes
Named GenServer
Conduct monitoring and operations across email accounts
OTP application for reading the BNO-055 absolute orientation sensor. Euler angles are read at 20hz and published to a configured local...
SIP Test Suite
This application reads from a redis queue (RPOP) and then executes functions from a list. The first function from the list does not rece...
High performance multiple backend web server
Extracts complexities of Cloudtrax into a nice module
A M.U.D. engine implemented in Elixir.
A demo telegram bot
Elixir to Vert.x TCP bridge connector.