
  • 12 199
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 215 067
    nerves_motd 0.1.15

    Message of the day for Nerves devices

  • 7 322
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 204 583
    nerves_pack 0.7.1

    Initialization setup for Nerves devices

  • 5 494
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    total downloads: 83 251
    nerves_hub_link 2.6.0

    Manage your Nerves fleet by connecting it to NervesHub

  • 858
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    total downloads: 2 344
    nerves_time_rtc_ds3231 0.1.3

    NervesTime.RTC implementation for Maxim Integrated DS3231 Real-Time Clock

  • 534
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    total downloads: 20 105
    nerves_time_rtc_abracon 0.3.0

    NervesTime.RTC implementation for Abracon Real-time Clocks

  • 78
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    nerves_init_gadget 0.7.0

    Simple initialization for devices running Nerves

  • 8
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    nerves_time_rtc_nxp 0.2.1

    NervesTime.RTC implementations for common NXP chips

Showing 7 packages of 7 total