
  • 517 783
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    recent downloads: 115 566
    ymlr 5.1.3

    A YAML encoder for Elixir

  • 505 582
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    recent downloads: 88 576
    contex 0.5.0

    Contex - a server-side charting library for Elixir.

  • 80 415
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    recent downloads: 13 922
    liquex 0.13.0

    Liquid template parser for Elixir. 100% compatibility with the Liquid gem for Ruby.

  • 3 885
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    chart 0.2.0

    Plot graphs.

  • 2 932
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    ggity 0.5.0

    GGity brings the familiar interface of R's ggplot2 library to SVG charting in Elixir.

Showing 5 packages of 5 total