An escript that serves the current directory over HTTP.
An Elixir library for building controllers that obey the HTTP spec.
A WebMention ( implementation for Elixir
Asset pipeline for Phoenix app
Bumper Crop is an Elixir client package for communicating with Harvest's v2 API (
DIY Elixir-based smart home.
Base library to create Elixir Azure Functions
HTTP Request & Response Server. An incomplete clone of for mocking (testing) purposes
A block-style editor for live view
Policies a wrapper to work with current_user.
Humo framework core package.
`Boom` is inspired by the NodeJS package `@hapi/boom`, allowing you to respond with json errors easily.
A spaced-repetition system based on Anki built in Phoenix LiveView which uses Markdown for flashcard content
Kalevala is a world building toolkit for text based games.
A playground for experiments in self-awareness. WIP.
A modular and easily customizable content management library that gives you pretty much everything you need for your basic phoenix projec...
Tehama Wireless API Elixir Client
Fast, live and beautiful presentations from Markdown powered by Phoenix LiveView
Viber REST API Wrapper written in Elixir
A BitTorrent library.
An Elixir Notion API client
An open and opinionated DeFi/CeFi/TradFi trading platform using productive & familiar open source libraries and tools for strategy resear...
A plug to check a request has the correct `X-GitLab-Auth` header.
Fetches link and image URLs from web pages
Pipple is an Elixir client package for communicating with Rippling's API (
Dead simple API key authentication for Elixir
Content Management System for static sites, like Jekyll but with elixir/eex rather than liquid templates
A development UI for ExUssd
WAMP Router