
  • 11 688
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 97 316
    ecto_filter 0.3.1

    Aims in building database queries using data as filtering conditions.

  • 11 580
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 390 230
    ex_oauth2_provider 0.5.7

    No brainer OAuth 2.0 provider

  • 10 930
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 120 208
    access_pass 1.1.0

    Provides a full user authentication experience for an API. Includes login,logout,register,forgot password, forgot username, confir...

  • 9 738
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 55 717
    pg_ranges 1.1.1

    PostgreSQL range types for Ecto PgRanges provides a simple wrapper around `Postgrex.Range` so that you can create schemas with range typ...

  • 9 618
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 139 128
    trans 3.0.1

    Embedded translations for Elixir schemas

  • 9 618
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 22 010
    ash_oban 0.2.5

    The extension for integrating Ash resources with Oban.

  • 9 394
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 139 799
    vtc 0.17.5

    A SMPTE timecode library for Elixir

  • 9 250
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 270 219
    rihanna 2.3.1

    Rihanna is a database-backed job queue.

  • 9 229
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 9 259
    error_tracker 0.3.0

    An Elixir-based built-in error tracking solution

  • 8 995
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 154 816
    ayesql 1.1.2

    Library for using raw SQL

  • 8 964
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 72 376
    algoliax 0.7.1

    AlgoliaSearch integration for Elixir app

  • 7 788
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 230 879
    ecto_interval 0.2.6

    Interval Type for Ecto

  • 7 398
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 76 905
    kino_db 0.2.13

    Databases integration with Livebook

  • 7 038
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 8 058
    ecto_watch 0.11.2

    EctoWatch allows you to easily get Phoenix.PubSub notifications directly from postgresql.

  • 7 033
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 17 577
    ex_cldr_units_sql 1.0.1

    Unit functions for the serialization to a database of a Cldr.Unit.t data type. Also includes aggregation and sum functions.

  • 6 303
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 109 065
    ecto_vista 0.2.0

    PG Views support for Ecto

  • 6 023
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 20 101
    ecto_interface 4.1.0

    A set of common Ecto interfaces generated on the fly with macros

  • 5 598
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 7 806
    backpex 0.7.1

    Phoenix Admin Panel built with PETAL.

  • 5 236
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 43 053
    telemetry_ui 4.4.2

    Telemetry based metrics UI

  • 4 766
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 42 028
    lti_1p3_ecto_provider 0.6.0

    An Ecto-based DataProvider implementation for the Lti_1p3 library

  • 4 664
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 56 142
    acl 0.5.0

    Acl implementation.

  • 4 598
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 49 791
    periscope 0.7.0

    Tools for analyzing liveviews. Displays the currently-loaded liveview, the socket, the assigns, etc.

  • 4 486
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 155 117
    one_time_pass_ecto 1.1.1

    One-time password library for Elixir

  • 4 236
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 45 938
    bitcrowd_ecto 1.0.0

    Bitcrowd's Ecto utilities

  • 3 830
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 201 179
    kerosene 0.9.0

    Pagination for Ecto and Phoenix.

  • 3 664
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 28 680
    fly_postgres 0.3.4

    Library for working with local read-replica Postgres databases and performing writes through RPC calls to other nodes in the primary Fly....

  • 3 406
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 22 389
    ecto_range 0.2.1

    Ecto support for Postgres Range types

  • 3 356
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 62 230
    kafka_ex_tc 0.13.0

    Kafka client for Elixir/Erlang.

  • 3 232
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 27 167
    ecto_lock 0.1.3

    Helpers for advisory locks with postgresql and ecto

  • 3 108
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 173 254
    phauxth 2.5.1

    Authentication library for Phoenix, and other Plug-based, web applications

Showing 31–60 packages of 362 total