Postgres advisory lock backed elixir Library for locking critical section of code running on multiple machines.
A role management library for Elixir apps
PostgreSQL based cold storage for Kvasir.
Core utilities for LushrLux
A double entry accounting system using Ecto
Kvasir development helper.
Postgrex extension for the PostgreSQL extension of the same name
Ecto PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
A library tracking how many visitors a Phoenix-based application receives per day without collecting any data from the user
AgensGraph and AGE extension for Postgrex.
An Elixir client for Message DB.
A open source two way communication platform
An open source two way communication platform for the social sector
Txbox is a Bitcoin transaction storage schema
Phoenix boilerplate for Shopify Embedded App SDK
Generate fictitious data in elixir for unit test.
Unit functions for the serialization to a database of a Cldr.Unit.t data type. Also includes aggregation and sum functions.
Provides a DSL to easily handle Postgres Enum Types in Ecto database migrations
A few sentences (a paragraph) describing the project.
From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a distributed cluster
State machines, statecharts and workflows for Ecto models.
A fully automatic cursor pagination for Ecto. It relies on analysis of the expressions in order_by clause and requires no configuration.
Turnkey Auth Auth Application
Library that complements ecto migrations and their execution.
Better streaming for Ecto.
A helper for creating and listening to pubsub events from postgres
An implementation of the Brook event stream storage behaviour for the Postgres database.
Ecto/Postgrex IP4R extension
AlgoliaSearch integration for Elixir app