Useful Ecto extensions: search, sort, paginate, validators
Aims in building database queries using data as filtering conditions.
EctoForge usising for filter query and create some context for Model Schema.
This tool generates elixir functions that call PostgreSQL stored functions/procedures and parse the result into elixir structs.
Adds support for enumerated types to Ecto. Unlike ecto_enum, these enums assume the database will take and return the enum's values by th...
Dynamic Instagram-like PostgreSQL sharding with Ecto
A set of common Ecto interfaces generated on the fly with macros
Interval Type for Ecto
Ecto/Postgrex IP4R extension
Ecto IT is library for writing integration tests(with database backend) for ecto-based applications.
A transactional job queue built with Ecto, PostgreSQL and GenStage.
Helpers for scheduling Jobs defined in EctoJob
Helpers for advisory locks with postgresql and ecto
A library that provides the necessary modules to support the PostgreSQL’s `ltree` data type with Ecto.
Ecto auto migration library. It allows to generate and run migrations for initial and update migrations.
EctoMultiRepo is a "batteries included" library that allows you to create ecto repos dynamically at runtime.
Ecto types to support MACADDR and Network extensions provided by Postgrex.
Make simple things easy in Ecto, e.g. Ectoo.max(MyModel, :age). Also .count, .min, .max, .avg.
Cursor-based pagination for Ecto.
A collection of custom functions for PostgreSQL features in Ecto.
Ecto support for Postgres geometry types
File upload extension for Ecto
Polymorphic embeds for Ecto
Manage a position field in an Ecto schema
Ecto helper library to use PostgreSQL enums
Ecto PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
Ecto support for Postgres Range types
Log replay based sandbox for Ecto, compatible with CockroachDB
A simple module to clear up the boilerplate of CRUD resources in Phoenix context files.
SQL-based adapters for Ecto and database migrations