Provides structured parsing of JSON-like data based on modules' Typespecs.
Lib for elixir
Phoenix Components for FontAwesome icons
An adaptation of 'For the Crown' game by Jeremy Lennert.
A simple wrapper for the Fleet API. Can be used with etcd tokens or via direct node URLs.
Elixir client for the Nu HTML Checker
Minimal implementation of Ruby's factory_girl in Elixir.
A filesystem-based build engine which provides a flexible mechanism for parsing and processing files.
Generate fictitious data in elixir for unit test.
Live error monitoring to watch your Phoenix app going up in flames in real time! Open source version of error aggregation services. Hook...
Adds an websocket endpoint to Phoenix for communicating with a FedecksClient (conceived to be a Nerves device)
Decode garmin fit files using rustler and fitparser crate
Your awesome library.
Flex is a lightweight, Flask-inspired web framework for Elixir.
Fernet-encrypted fields for Ecto
An implementation of FOAF for Elixir.
Binary websocket client that communicates with its Phoenix-based counterpart, FedecksServer. Written primarly for Nerves systems.
Download RSS/Atom feeds enclosures.
Post-process code blocks in your markdown docs
Nerves System - Raspberry Pi A+ / B+ / B
A configurable Elixir API gateway.
Finds a large icon for a website given a URL.
Dynamic ecto query builder
A extendable wrapper around Freshbooks API written in Elixir.
A tool for extracting and processing information from various file formats, including CSV, JSON, and XML.
Flow-Based Programming with Elixir GenStage.
Erlang/Elixir module for - foreign exchange rates and currency conversion
飞书(Feishu) for Elixir Demo show
Project-FiFo db wrapper
The first library published with the Gleam build tool