Library for managing Elixir/Phoenix deployments
Hexdump makes it easier to work with binary data.
Parse HOCON configuration files in Elixir following the HOCON specifications.
Elixir client for Philips Hue connected light bulbs
Flexible, modular, utilities for dealing with Chinese characters and pinyin.
Generate Heroku-like pronouncable strings in Elixir
A helper module for constructing and managing processes using the Horde distributed process library.
Downloads an offline version of the hexdocs of your projects dependencies to a local folder
Handles is a templating language written in pure Gleam. Heavily inspired by Mustache and Handlebars.js
Standards-compliant HTTP Cookie implementation.
A GenServer that syncs HLClock timestamps between nodes using Phoenix.PubSub.
A lightweight plug to respond to some health checker pings
HTTP client library
Implementation of the HyperLogLog algorithm in Erlang
A simple DSL for composing HTTP requests. Based off the lovely Elm-Http-Builder.
HTTP Router with various macros to assist in developing your application and organizing your code
An elixir client library for HubIdentity
community-maintained hellosign Wrapper written in Elixir.
Concurrent High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histogram
an http client for gleam which supports streaming, based on hackney
Help applications do things to themselves.
A general-purpose library for Elixir based projects.
A playground for experiments in self-awareness. WIP.
A light-weight, relatively unopinionated AWS API client
Flexible pipeline library.
HipChat client library for Elixir
Simple monads for Elixir
Haki Cache: Use the Erlang constant pool to compile your shared data into modules.
A library to print html in a elixir way
A weird Flask scaffolding tool