Adds support for PostgreSQL's money data type.
Splunk producer for Broadway data processing pipelines
Phoenix request params validation library
Elixir library to interact with the Kadena blockchain.
The core package for the Elixium blockchain, containing all the modules needed to run the chain
Implementation of the NBP (Narodowy Bank Polski/National Bank of Poland) API.
Kuddle is a KDL Decoder, Encoder and utility library for Elixir.
Kuddle Config Provider or just general config helpers
Combine Ecto schema and JSON schema with minimal boilerplates.
SQLite3 adapter for Ecto2
Ecto adapter for Mnesia Erlang/OTP term storage.
Interval operations on Decimal, DateTime, Integer, Float, etc. with Ecto support for Postgres Range types, and implementing intervals ove...
Elixir implementation of JsonLogic, with some excel formulas added.
EdgeDB client for Elixir
Firebird driver for Elixir
Bumper Crop is an Elixir client package for communicating with Harvest's v2 API (
Elixir client for the Google Cloud Spanner database using gRPC.
Transform Elixir Deeply Nested Maps into flat maps or 2 dimensional array. Export any map to CSV, XLSX or JSON.
Decrypt soap file and load it to Application config
Gringotts is a payment processing library in Elixir integrating various payment gateways, and draws motivation from shopify's activemerch...
A dashboard framework for Phoenix Live View
A currency converter that uses the API provided by the Brazilian Open Data Portal to perform quotes.
(LISP) style formula parser & evaluator (at runtime) with support for variables and (safe) custom functions
Library that assists in operations involving money
Workflow engine with conditions, forks and parallel processes.
Snowflake driver for Elixir
Data validation in elixir
MonetDB driver
A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir.