
  • 28
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 28 033
    ex_video_factory 0.3.14

    Elixir library to consume the public part REST API of FranceTélévisions Video Factory.

  • 27
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 526
    fire_auth 0.1.0

    Firebase Authentication for Plug

  • 26
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 371
    zohomail_api 0.0.2

    Send emails using ZohoMail's REST API

  • 26
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 480
    ex_victor_ops 0.4.1

    VictorOps API library for Elixir

  • 26
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 299
    ex_nsq 1.1.0

    A client library for NSQ, `ex_nsq` aims to be complete, easy to use, and well tested. Originally developed at Wistia (

  • 26
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 618
    ex_remote_dockers 0.1.2

    Elixir library to manage containers from several remote dockers, using the Docker Engine API v1.35.

  • 26
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 590
    mpesa_elixir 0.1.1

    Elixir wrapper for Safricom Mpesa API

  • 26
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 156
    twspace_dl 0.1.1

    Twitter Space audio downloader

  • 26
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 581
    exgrid 1.0.0

    Elixir bindings for SendGrid's REST API

  • 26
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 535
    pagseguro_ex 0.1.1

    Pagseguro Elixir wrapper

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 266
    google_directions_generator 0.1.0

    use google locations to create geocoords for driving directions between multiple locations and send them to your api.

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 436
    expinboard 0.0.1

    A simple elixir pinboard client.

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 336
    httpotion_cache 0.1.0

    Extension to HTTPotion for caching http requests.

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 255
    expander 0.0.1

    A library to expand/unshorten urls with unified cache store.

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 216
    iota_ex 0.1.0

    A wrapper library around Iota API for nodes.

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 420
    ipgeobase 0.0.1

    Find Russian and Ukraine city by IP address. Source

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 633
    less_verifies_alexa 0.1.0

    A plug that validates requests from Amazon's Alexa service.

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 258
    iota_lib 0.0.1

    An Elixir wrapper around the IOTA node RPC API.

  • 25
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 236
    kraken_client 0.0.1

    Client api for Kraken

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 440
    mmExchangeRate 0.0.1

    A simple exchange rate checker and calculator based on Central Bank of Myanmar Api.

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 1 286
    redelix 0.0.4

    Redmine REST API client library

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 390
    taxon_search 0.0.1

    TaxonSearch is a tool for looking up species names in Elixir.

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 378
    updown 0.1.1

    A library that interacts with the API. The library supports a few basic fetch functions that retrieves site checks and data abo...

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 416
    wayback_archiver 0.0.1

    Send URLs to Wayback Machine

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 349
    random_puppy 0.1.0

    Get a URL to a random puppy image.

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 314
    webfinger 0.1.0

    A simple webfinger client for querying user information

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 91
    tomba 0.1.0

    Official elixir client library for Tomba email finder

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 575
    rest_client 0.0.1

    RestClient is a generic REST client library. It generates structs and functions for use with APIs.

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 432
    mixgraph 0.0.1

    Create an interactive dependency graph for any hex package published in

  • 24
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 449
    pin_elixir 0.0.1

    A library to wrap the Pin Payments API

Showing 121–150 packages of 150 total