
  • 14
    recent downloads
    total downloads: 52
    minikv 0.1.1

    Minikv: A lightweight Elixir library for building distributed key-value stores (:ets), featuring asynchronous replication between nodes.

  • 14
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    total downloads: 333
    green_worker 0.1.1

    DB backed, FSM-like family of workers, distributed on multiple nodes.

  • 12
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    total downloads: 103
    libcluster_hcloud 0.1.1

    Hetzner Cloud clustering strategy for libcluster.

  • 8
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    total downloads: 836
    libcluster_digitalocean 0.1.0-rc

    DigitalOcean strategies for libcluster.

  • 8
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    total downloads: 379
    dynamic_rtree 0.2.0

    Distributed Dynamic R-tree (DDRT) implementation for Elixir. It's mainly a R-tree. Why dynamic? Because it's optimized to do fa...

  • 8
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    total downloads: 88
    libcluster_yasd 0.1.0

    YASD Strategy implementation for libcluster.

  • 6
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    railyard 0.1.0

    Configuration and infrastructure as code in Elixir

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    total downloads: 60
    libcluster_postgrex_notifications 0.1.0

    Postgrex.Notifications clustering strategy for libcluster

  • 6
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    total downloads: 155
    cluster_kv 0.1.0

    An ephemeral distributed KV store

  • 4
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    total downloads: 68
    gen_game_world 0.1.0

    GenGame is realtime and distributed game server

Showing 31–40 packages of 40 total