UIFaces API client for Elixir applications.
An Elixir wrapper around the BoardGameGeek XML API. Also scrapes some of the BoardGameGeek HTML.
Elixir wrapper for Logic Monitor REST api. Uses LMv1 API Token Authentication.
helper functions for using postage library - in elixir
A full-featured Elixir client for Freshbooks.
An Elixir client for the Pocket API
An elixir wrapper for the govtrack.us API that provides programmatic access to information about the U.S. Congress.
Elixir BookingSync (https://www.bookingsync.com) API v3 client. Find more at: http://developers.bookingsync.com
A Soft Bank To Handle your Financial Accounts using a Dual Entry Accounting System.
This is a GenServer-ish implementation of a Service watcher. A process that is designed to poll service state every given number of milis...
Elixir bindings for SendGrid's REST API
A Slack bot framework.
YahooFx is an Elixir library for getting currency exchange rates from Yahoo Finance
Client library for Finicity.
Elixir Client for Microsoft Cognitive Services. With this library you can access the cognitive services api and add machine intelligence ...
HBCI/FinTS client library for Elixir.
VictorOps API library for Elixir
Elixir wrapper for the JIRA REST API
Youtube API Client for Elixir
Simple API wrapper for http://blackbox.co.ke
An Elixir OAuth 2.0 Client Library to protect Zuppler API
Easily connect to RapidAPI blocks.
Check whether a given url is up.
Simple wrapper for Forecast.IO API
Redmine REST API client library
A Mopidy client library for Elixir
Simple ReCaptcha display/verify code for Elixir applications. Designed to be used with a CMS such as Phoenix.
A really simple Buffer API client for sending updates. Right now it only supports sending text updates, but hopefully will support more ...
API wrapper of RajaOngkir for Elixir.
Library for interacting with the Grafana API in Elixir