powered and security auth platform
WAMP Router
Testing library/runner for load and integration testing using intelligent bots
Nerves Runtime Wifi configuration at runtime
Addressbook API
FaultTree is a library for performing [fault tree analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fault_tree_analysis). It includes a small HTTP ...
Plug for wechat with a xml parser
The Lenra API and server to create a Lernra app using elixir. This contains : - The API to contact the /app endpoints - Helpers to create...
Elixir Twitch API framework
Telegram Adapter for Hedwig
Build Matrix Application Services (bridges, bots...) in Elixir.
APIToolkit's Phoenix integration sdks
ForkWithFlags.UI, a fork of the FunWithFlags.UI web dashboard, made for integration with the ForkWithFlags Elixir package.
Plucto is a light weight pagination helper for phoenix/plug web applications using ecto.
Griffin static site generator
Minimal RESTful Framework for Microservices
This mix task allows you to start a server anywhere on the file system and serve files.
test project for map.
Provides endpoints to manage your Kinde Businesses
Elixir wrapper for connpass api.
A simple Phoenix/Liveview client for [Altex](https://github.com/iboard/altex). Use it as a scaffold.
This application tracks URL visits and gathers the data to Redis.
Integrates with RAD²'s API Auth
Libreria de configuracion rapida de servidor local de aplicaciones elixir
Package that helps automate browser testing, similar to puppeteer.
Lightweight and easy to use API micro-framework.
Library for validating Cloudflare Access on application side.
descentralized voting system
A CNAB file helper. This library aims to help your bank or cooperative read, decode, display, and perform various operations on a CNA...