An HTML DSL for Elixir
An Elixir Phoenix component library inspired by [Tremor]( - The react library to build dashboards fast.
ExTeal is a beautiful administration dashboard written for Phoenix Apps built by Township.
Flexible data table component for LiveView
A type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier inspired by Stripe IDs
User-friendly translations manager for Elixir/Phoenix projects.
Helpers for rendering components from front-end frameworks in Phoenix
List helpers used in other upcoming packages under mavuio/*
A library for analysing absinthe GraphQL runtime usage.
Straightforward, powerful, and adapter based Elixir email library. Works with Mandrill, Mailgun, SendGrid, SparkPost, Postmark, in-memory...
Squid is a framework that helps you divide your application into multiple small contexts and/or applications called `tentacles`.
Phoenix Playground makes it easy to create single-file Phoenix applications
Redux-toolkit style state management in Phenix LiveView
This package includes a set of :logger formatters designed to output logs in JSON format. It is compatible with a variety of log manageme...
Mix tasks and library for converting jpeg, png, etc images to webp
An HTTP client focused on performance.
Passkey authentication for Phoenix LiveView applications.
Logger helpers, providing format functions of various formats and seamless integrations with other libraries.
Phoenix boilerplate for Petlove&Co Google OAuth 2.0
Policies a wrapper to work with current_user.
Prometheus metrics exporter using Telemetry.Metrics as a foundation
Theme toggle inspired by shadcn/ui
Telegram bot API client for Elixir with UI for easier management
Media queries for responsive design in Phoenix LiveView. Heavily inspired by react-responsive.
Add recurring billing to your Phoenix application
GenGame is realtime and distributed game server
Simplify handling localized routes in Elixir Phoenix applications, with and without LiveView
A Uberauth/Assent strategy for Rumble authentication.
HTMX utilities for Elixir
Phoenix, Plug and LiveView integrations for the Permit authorization library.