A small collection of functions to make it easier working with Ecto many_to_many assocations and checkbox arrays.
Utilities for working with Exd streams
This library is a summary of the functions that are generally required for Web service development.
Image manager, allows to upload images to AWS S3, resize image and save to DB
A library for making domain operations
Elixir ACL library for managing user abilities and permissions with support of ecto and compatibility with absinthe
JSONAPI over JSONRPC over RabbitMQ.
Process JSONAPI requests in transport and backing store neutral way.
Flexible double entry based accounting for Elixir.
Postgres adapter for Rill, event-sourced microservices framework
Write simple, event driven applications
Pagination for Ecto and Phoenix.
Simple, opinionated library to build CQRS/ES driven systems.
Library application for Exred. Handles storage and access of flows.
Extends funcionality for core_services module
Subscribe to postgres notifications on specific database tables
Polymorphic embeds for Ecto
Soft delete using Ecto repo.
Server acting as a proxy for Discord OAuth2 service, providing JWS token for storage-less sessions
This library is a summary of the functions that are generally required for Web service development.
This library is a summary of the functions that are generally required for Matching Web service development.
A sink that outputs results to a Postgres database
Flexible double entry based accounting for Ecto.
FirestormData is the data layer for the Firestorm Forum.
MessengerBot event storage addon for PostgreSQL
Postgrex.Extension and Ecto.Type for PostgreSQL cube module
Ecto postgres notifications-based queue for Honeydew
Pleroma is a federated social network server.
Review System
Simple API for spawning RabbitMQ Producers and Consumers.