
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
3 999 990

  • constantizer0.2.0

    13 236 Downloads

    Turns functions into constants at compile-time

  • ex_riak0.4.1

    5 009 Downloads

    Simple wrapper for riakc (riak-erlang-client)

  • not_loaded0.3.0

    7 479 Downloads

    Placeholders for data that isn't loaded. Inspired by Ecto.

  • not_loaded_poison0.1.0

    1 322 Downloads

    Integration between NotLoaded & Poison

  • phx_gen_auth0.7.0

    276 846 Downloads

    An authentication system generator for Phoenix 1.5

  • pure_http0.1.0

    4 011 Downloads

    Wrapper around HTTPPoison building requests and handling responses with pure functions

  • wallaby0.30.9

    2 253 767 Downloads

    Concurrent feature tests for elixir

  • web_driver_client0.2.0

    1 438 320 Downloads

    Low-level WebDriver client for Elixir.

Aaron Renner