
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
2 176 972

  • balalaika_bear0.1.2

    5 043 Downloads

    VK API wrapper for Elixir

  • bn0.2.2

    11 071 Downloads

    BN128 elliptic curve operations for Elixir

  • cafezinho0.4.2

    2 752 Downloads

    NIF for Ed25519 curve functions

  • clope0.1.4

    1 479 Downloads

    CLOPE: A Fast and Effective Clustering Algorithm for Transactional Data

  • cryptopunk0.7.5

    12 786 Downloads

    Hierarchical deterministic wallet (HD Wallet)

  • ethereum0.0.0


    Ethereum's implementation in Elixir [WIP]

  • ethereumex0.10.6

    274 787 Downloads

    Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain

  • evil_crc32c0.2.7

    1 981 Downloads

    Evil version of the crc32c algorithm. It uses the bitwise arithmetic used in javascript, i.e. operands are converted to i32

  • ex_abi0.8.0

    731 018 Downloads

    Ethereum's ABI Interface

  • ex_base580.6.2

    78 137 Downloads

    Nif for Base58 format encoding and decoding.

  • ex_bech320.6.1

    11 422 Downloads

    Nif for Bech32 format encoding and decoding.

  • ex_pbkdf20.8.2

    12 869 Downloads

    Pbkdf2 for Elixir by a Rust-based NIF

  • ex_riak_cs0.1.1


    Riak CS API wrapper for Elixir.

  • ex_rlp0.6.0

    799 807 Downloads

    Ethereum's Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoding

  • ex_secp256k10.7.3

    167 905 Downloads

    Rust Nif that wraps functions from the libsecp256k1 Rust library.

  • hornet0.1.2

    2 832 Downloads

    Hornet is a simple library for stress testing.

  • mana0.0.0


    Ethereum client in Elixir

  • merkle_patricia_tree0.2.8

    42 372 Downloads

    Ethereum's Merkle Patricia Trie data structure

  • mnemoniac0.1.3

    9 861 Downloads

    Mnemonic generation according to the BIP-39 standard

  • rock0.1.2


    ROCK: A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes

  • ton0.4.8

    7 795 Downloads

    TON (The Open Network) SDK

  • uploadcare_ex0.1.4

    1 230 Downloads

    Elixir wrapper for Uploadcare API