
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
24 354 686

  • auth_test_support0.0.6

    9 605 Downloads

    Authentication and authorization test support functions

  • beacon1.1.0

    2 883 Downloads

    A Process that periodically reaches a target at a fixed interval.

  • courier0.1.0

    1 933 Downloads

    Adapter based email delivery

  • courier_web0.0.8

    2 905 Downloads

    Web client adapter for Courier

  • crazy_pants0.0.1


    These pretzels are making me thirsty

  • ecto_fixtures0.0.2

    14 078 Downloads

    Ecto Fixtures provides a simple DSL for quickly creating fixture data for your test suite.

  • inquisitor0.5.0

    196 601 Downloads

    Easily build extendable and composable Ecto queries.

  • inquisitor_jsonapi0.1.0

    20 345 Downloads

    JSON API Handlers for Inquisitor

  • json_api_assert0.0.2

    2 647 Downloads

    assertions for JSON API payload

  • mail0.3.1

    23 611 313 Downloads

    Easily build a composable mail message

  • nimbus0.3.0


    Nimbus provide more helpers for Phoenix framework.

  • openid_connect0.2.2

    432 796 Downloads

    OpenID Connect for Elixir

  • valid_field0.6.1

    58 211 Downloads

    ValidField aids unit testing a changeset for valid (and invalid) fields