
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
225 693 803

  • absinthe1.7.8

    36 964 636 Downloads

    GraphQL for Elixir

  • absinthe_ecto0.1.3

    1 052 777 Downloads

    GraphQL helpers for Absinthe

  • absinthe_graphql_ws0.3.6

    567 184 Downloads

    Add graphql-ws websocket transport for Absinthe

  • absinthe_phoenix2.0.3

    6 558 583 Downloads

    Subscription support via Phoenix for Absinthe, the GraphQL implementation for Elixir.

  • absinthe_plug1.5.8

    34 717 167 Downloads

    Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir

  • absinthe_relay1.5.2

    3 750 675 Downloads

    Relay framework support for Absinthe

  • briefly0.5.1

    2 566 535 Downloads

    Simple, robust temporary file support

  • dataloader2.0.0

    7 056 028 Downloads

    Efficient batch loading in Elixir

  • ex_aws2.5.4

    57 498 987 Downloads

    AWS client for Elixir. Currently supports Dynamo, DynamoStreams, EC2, Firehose, Kinesis, KMS, Lambda, RRDS, Route53, S3, SES, SNS, SQS, STS

  • ex_aws_cloudformation2.0.1

    7 165 Downloads

    ExAws.Cloudformation service package

  • ex_aws_cloudwatch2.0.4

    495 228 Downloads

    Cloudwatch module for

  • ex_aws_dynamo4.2.1

    5 092 372 Downloads

    ExAws.Dynamo service package

  • ex_aws_dynamo_streams2.0.0

    4 064 Downloads

    ExAws.DynamoStreams service package

  • ex_aws_ec22.0.1

    1 701 468 Downloads

    ExAws.EC2 service package

  • ex_aws_elastic_transcoder2.0.0

    62 760 Downloads

    ExAws.ElasticTranscoder service package

  • ex_aws_firehose2.0.1

    567 514 Downloads

    ExAws.Firehose service package

  • ex_aws_kinesis2.0.1

    417 888 Downloads

    ExAws.Kinesis service package

  • ex_aws_kms2.4.0

    815 973 Downloads

    ExAws.KMS service package

  • ex_aws_lambda2.1.0

    981 518 Downloads

    ExAws.Lambda service package

  • ex_aws_rds2.0.2

    299 317 Downloads

    ExAws.RDS service package

  • ex_aws_route532.1.0

    295 252 Downloads

    ExAws.Route53 service package

  • ex_aws_s32.5.3

    47 420 955 Downloads

    ExAws.S3 service package

  • ex_aws_secretsmanager2.0.0

    1 026 703 Downloads

    ExAws.SecretsManager service package

  • ex_aws_ses2.4.1

    1 558 538 Downloads

    ExAws.SES service package

  • ex_aws_sns2.3.3

    3 014 894 Downloads

    ExAws.SNS service package

  • ex_aws_sqs3.4.0

    4 685 363 Downloads

    ExAws.SQS service package

  • ex_aws_sts2.3.0

    3 272 772 Downloads

    ExAws.STS service package

  • ex_csv0.1.5

    176 382 Downloads

    CSV for Elixir

  • fable0.0.1-alpha.0


    Write simple, event driven applications

  • vex0.9.2

    3 064 955 Downloads

    An extensible data validation library for Elixir

Ben Wilson