Simple bitfields for erlang/elixir
time series date keys
file-based routing library for elixir
Plug integration for Concerto
buffer a large set of counters and flush periodically
futures for elixir/erlang
Parallel HTTP requests for etude
Extendable testing utilities for Plug
generate html in elixir with simple data structures
hypermedia api toolkit
DSL for defining mazurka resources
mazurka mediatype interface
hyper+json mediatype compiler for mazurka
Plug integration for Mazurka
parse mimetypes
compile-time serialization
Elixir stream extensions
OSC encoder/decoder for elixir
PKCS7 binary padding for erlang
parse the accept-language header
Plug adapter for the wait1 protocol
x-forwarded-for plug middleware
x-forwarded-proto plug middleware
high-productivity collection of tools and practices for rapidly writing production-ready applications
create a pool based on a hash ring
a preprocessor/compiler toolset for erlang and elixir
rebind parse transform for erlang
Live programming environment for Elixir/Erlang
component rendering library
Usir server for rondo applications
content-addressable file storage
set of utilities for parsing, validating, and diffing messages
A simple, opinionated library for encrypting small packets of data securely.
SynOSC encoder/decoder for elixir
Elixir implementation of the usir protocol
topojson country and state/province collections for elixir/erlang