
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
742 126

  • config_z0.3.2

    16 013 Downloads

    Runtime configuration for Elixir applications.

  • inner_cotton0.6.9

    15 508 Downloads

    Collection of recommended Elixir check utilities.

  • komachi_heartbeat0.5.1

    28 185 Downloads

    Vital monitoring Elixir Web application.

  • mnemonics0.5.1

    30 285 Downloads

    Read only data store for Elixir: fast, concurrently, for large data & hot reloadable.

  • mnemonics_ex_machina0.3.1

    8 352 Downloads

    ExMachina strategy for Mnemonics.

  • phoenix_pubsub_redis_z0.4.0

    33 724 Downloads

    Yet another Redis PubSub adapter for Phoenix. Supports sharding across multiple redis nodes.

  • pqueue20.4.1

    23 351 Downloads

    Priority queue that wraps pqueue2.

  • redis_z0.3.1

    36 704 Downloads

    Pooling & sharding support parallel Redis adapter base on Redix.

  • stream_gzip0.4.2

    544 070 Downloads

    Gzip or gunzip a stream.

  • stream_hash0.3.1

    5 934 Downloads

    Stream into SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, BLAKE2, RIPEMD-160 hash. (Hash algorithms which Erlang is supporting.)

Weihu Chen