
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
1 355 120 450

  • castore1.0.8

    48 474 577 Downloads

    Up-to-date CA certificate store.

  • connection1.1.0

    98 252 684 Downloads

    Connection behaviour for connection processes

  • cowboy2.12.0

    116 371 950 Downloads

    Small, fast, modern HTTP server.

  • cowlib2.13.0

    70 000 611 Downloads

    Support library for manipulating Web protocols.

  • db_connection2.7.0

    119 624 800 Downloads

    Database connection behaviour for database transactions and connection pooling

  • decimal2.1.1

    126 454 722 Downloads

    Arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic.

  • ecto3.11.2

    115 761 829 Downloads

    A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query for Elixir

  • ex2ms1.7.0

    6 149 650 Downloads

    Translates Elixir functions to match specifications for use with `ets`.

  • google_protos0.4.0

    6 999 140 Downloads

    Protos by Google

  • hex_solver0.2.3


    PubGrub based dependency version solver for Hex

  • hpax1.0.0

    14 341 773 Downloads

    Implementation of the HPACK protocol (RFC 7541) for Elixir

  • jose1.11.10

    89 972 847 Downloads

    JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for Erlang and Elixir.

  • logger_backends1.0.0

    114 198 Downloads

    Logger backends functionality for Elixir v1.15+

  • mint1.6.2

    38 016 475 Downloads

    Small and composable HTTP client.

  • pbcs0.1.4

    105 748 Downloads

    PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography Specification Version 2.0

  • plug1.16.1

    129 114 999 Downloads

    Compose web applications with functions

  • plug_crypto2.1.0

    120 815 817 Downloads

    Crypto-related functionality for the web

  • postgrex0.18.0

    113 525 336 Downloads

    PostgreSQL driver for Elixir

  • protobuf0.12.0

    16 223 230 Downloads

    A pure Elixir implementation of Google Protobuf.

  • ranch2.1.0

    124 799 784 Downloads

    Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.

Eric Meadows-Jönsson