
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
355 010 893

  • acceptor_pool1.0.0

    18 984 635 Downloads

    A tcp acceptor pool library

  • connection1.1.0

    98 252 684 Downloads

    Connection behaviour for connection processes

  • core0.14.1

    6 083 Downloads

    Library for selective receive OTP processes

  • db_connection2.7.0

    119 624 800 Downloads

    Database connection behaviour for database transactions and connection pooling

  • dbg1.0.1

    272 146 Downloads

    Distributed tracing

  • dialyze0.2.1

    382 758 Downloads

    Dialyzer Mix task

  • exometer_core2.0.0

    1 264 128 Downloads

    Code instrumentation and metrics collection package.

  • mariaex0.9.1

    2 216 147 Downloads

    Pure elixir database driver for MariaDB / MySQL.

  • postgrex0.18.0

    113 525 336 Downloads

    PostgreSQL driver for Elixir

  • sbroker1.0.0

    481 318 Downloads

    Low level pooling library

  • stream_runner1.1.0


    Run a Stream as a process