
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
53 219 347

  • accessible0.3.0

    429 920 Downloads

    Dead-simple Access behaviour for custom structs

  • chimera0.3.0

    7 799 Downloads

    Dead-simple conversion between structs

  • commandex0.4.1

    7 762 Downloads

    Make complex actions a first-class data type.

  • kadabra0.6.0

    25 643 057 Downloads

    HTTP2 client for Elixir

  • mapi0.3.0


    Turn your Elixir module into an HTTP/2 microservice API

  • pane0.4.1

    557 221 Downloads

    Paginated printer for IEx

  • pigeon1.6.2

    26 014 409 Downloads

    HTTP2-compliant wrapper for sending iOS (APNS), Android (FCM), and Amazon Android (ADM) push notifications.

  • scribe0.10.0

    558 599 Downloads

    Pretty-print tables of structs and maps

Henry Popp