
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
189 202

  • band0.5.2

    12 253 Downloads

    A collection of instrumenters for common elixir projects.

  • ecto_ldap0.4.0

    7 331 Downloads

    An Ecto adapter for LDAP

  • exgenius0.0.5

    1 660 Downloads

    Elixir library for the (undocumented) Rap Genius (and also Rock, Tech, Pop, Country, etc) API

  • forcex0.8.3

    62 171 Downloads

    Elixir library for the / SalesForce / SFDC REST API

  • greenhouse0.0.1


    Elixir library for access the Greenhouse Harvest API

  • hedwig_irc0.1.4

    1 600 Downloads

    An IRC adapter for Hedwig

  • jira0.2.0

    4 680 Downloads

    An Elixir client library for JIRA + JIRA Agile / Greenhopper

  • plug_statsd0.5.0

    99 118 Downloads

    A (Phoenix) plug for sending request counts and response times to statsd