
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
12 612 185

  • basho_hamcrest0.4.1

    335 040 Downloads

    Erlang port of Hamcrest

  • credentials_obfuscation3.4.0

    8 525 729 Downloads

    Helper library that obfuscates sensitive values in process state

  • cuttlefish3.2.0

    623 194 Downloads

    cuttlefish configuration abstraction

  • hamcrest0.1.3

    36 444 Downloads

    Erlang port of Hamcrest

  • pooler1.6.0

    680 338 Downloads

    An OTP Process Pool Application

  • protobuffs0.8.4

    512 082 Downloads

    An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers for Erlang, based on ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs.

  • riak1.1.6

    70 078 Downloads

    A Riak client written in Elixir.

  • riak_pb2.3.2

    575 021 Downloads

    Riak Protocol Buffers Messages

  • riakc2.5.3

    570 737 Downloads

    The Riak client for Erlang

  • sysmon_handler1.3.0

    683 522 Downloads

    Rate-limiting system_monitor event handler

Luke Bakken