A small utility to convert deep Elixir maps with mixed string/atom keys to atom-only keyed maps
Design by Contracts for Elixir
Dryhard - Yippee-Ki-Yay, ...wet code!
Small set of useful utility functions
ETS match spec builder from a simple intuitive query language
Precompiled SQLite extensions, to be used with `exqlite`.
Precompiled SQLite extensions, to be used with `exqlite`.
A flexible Elixir ExUnit test runner, perfect in combination with Cortex
A lean client for Google Cloud Container Registry (gcr.io)
gen_statem based generic cache with MFA-based keys
A small library to serialize deeply nested datastructures into HTTP parameters that most backends do understand
MaCrud - painless CRUD contexts
MaxoAdapt provides fast, safe and clean adapter pattern implementation for Elixir
MaxoDecompile description
`MaxoMacro` provides useful macros to simplify your code.
Run ExUnit tests from IEx shell.
MaxoUniRepo helps you to support multiple DB engines with a single Ecto Repo
Instant code-reloader and test runner for Elixir in one package
Nap is a JEST inspired snapshotting test package for Elixir. It's quite general and can be used for all snapshotting purposes, not just for REST API testing.
Like Plug, only without web-specific logic and without a typed Conn-datastructure
PlumberGirl takes care of your Elixir piping issues!
Some convenient macros to enable railsway-oriented programming in Elixir
Sqlite based key/value cache with namespacing.
Lightweight, correct and up-to-date Elixir SDK for SurrealDB.
A little package to load (bashlike) files with exported ENV variables into Elixir runtime
Virtfs allows mock-FS operations, that can be applied on a real FS folder
vite_phx helps to integrate Vite.js into your Phoenix app