
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
69 756 926

  • bunyan0.5.3

    5 338 Downloads

    An all-plugins-included version of the Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system. (Thanks to Benjamin Coppock for letting me steal his project name)

  • bunyan_core0.5.3

    3 896 Downloads

    The Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system

  • bunyan_formatter0.5.3

    3 906 Downloads

    Log message formatter for the Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system

  • bunyan_shared0.5.3

    3 942 Downloads

    Shared functionality of the Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system

  • bunyan_source_api0.5.3

    3 885 Downloads

    API for the Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system (error, warn, info, and debug functions)

  • bunyan_source_erlang_error_logger0.5.3

    3 896 Downloads

    Inject errors and reports from the Erlang error logger into the Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system

  • bunyan_source_remote_reader0.5.3

    3 899 Downloads

    Let this node act as the target for a remote logger in the Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system

  • bunyan_writer_device0.5.3

    3 891 Downloads

    The component that lets the Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system write to the console and to files

  • bunyan_writer_remote0.5.3

    3 894 Downloads

    The component that lets a nde forward log messages to another node in the Bunyan distributed and pluggable logging system

  • component0.2.5

    1 870 Downloads

    The component framework is meant to make it easy to decompose an application into many simple services. It does this by eliminating boilerplate code in common service patterns: source files can be just domain logic. See the GitHub repo for details.

  • dd0.0.3


    Create fieldsets (aka structs) with validation and Phoenix form_for compatibility, making it easier to separate resource applications from your web frontend.

  • diet0.1.0


    Diet is a DSL for writing your program logic as a sequence of trivial transformations.

    See for some example code, and for a talk that contains examples of Diet in action.

  • dir_walker0.0.8

    66 044 Downloads

    DirWalker lazily traverses one or more directory trees, depth first, returning successive file names. Provides both a `next()` and a Stream-based API.

    Directory names may optionally be returned. The File.Stat structure associated with the file name may also optionally be returned.

  • earmark1.4.47

    68 437 450 Downloads

    Earmark is a pure-Elixir Markdown converter.

    It is intended to be used as a library (just call Earmark.as_html), but can also be used as a command-line tool (run mix first).

    Output generation is pluggable.

  • exexif0.0.5

    54 833 Downloads

    Read TIFF and EXIF information from a JPEG-format image.

    iex> {:ok, info} = Exexif.exif_from_jpeg_buffer(buffer) iex> info.x_resolution 72 iex> info.model "DSC-RX100M2" ...> Exexif.Data.Gps.inspect info "41°23´16˝N,2°11´50˝E"

  • exlibris0.0.1

    17 279 Downloads

    A collection of random library functions I use across multiple projects:

    pipe_while_ok: Create pipelines that terminate early if any step fails to return a tuple that starts {:ok, ...}

    before_returning: Like Ruby's returning, it evaluates its first argument, then evalates the do block. It alway...

  • gen_template_ecto_server0.1.1


    Generate a simple free-standing application with an ecto layer, intended to be used as a database resource in an application written using decoupled resources.

  • gen_template_project0.1.10

    2 096 Downloads

    A replacement for `mix new «project»` that generates files which I believe to be easier to read and maintain.

  • gen_template_template0.1.5


    A template that generates blank template projects, intended to be used by folks creating their own templates.

  • gen_template_umbrella0.1.10

    1 288 Downloads

    Generate a basic umbrella project.

  • jeeves0.1.3

    1 303 Downloads

    Jeeves is library that transforms regular modules into named or anonymous singleton or pooled GenServers. Just write your business functions, and Jeeves will convert them into an API, a server, and potentially a pooled set of workers.

  • mix_generator0.1.10

    5 419 Downloads

    This application adds a `gen` task to mix, which generates project trees.

    Unlike `mix new`, it can be fully customized. You can create private variants for your own use, and publish public ones that can be shared.

  • mix_templates0.2.3

    19 049 Downloads

    A modular, open templating system, designed for use with `mix gen`.

    You care about this if:

    ① you'd like different templates than the ones built in to mix, ② you'd like to create your own templates, or ③ you have created a package such as Phoenix or Nerves that needs its own project se...

  • multidef0.2.1

    2 413 Downloads

    Lets you define multiple heads for the same function:

    defmodule Test do

    import MultiDef

    mdef fred do { :init, val } -> fred {:double, val} { :double, val } -> IO.puts(val*2) a, b -> a+b end end

    IO.inspect Test.fred 1, 2 ...

  • periodic0.1.0


    Run functions periodically: each function can be called on a different schedule.

  • pipe_while_ok0.0.2

    1 113 Downloads

    PipeWhileOk ===========

    Moved to

  • pollution0.9.2

    276 512 Downloads

    Construct streams of values by specifying composable generator functions. For example list(tuple(like: {atom, string})) will generate a random length keyword list with random keys and values. Constraints can be applied at all levels.

  • private0.1.2

    550 542 Downloads

    Make private functions public if Mix.env is :test

  • quixir0.9.3

    278 495 Downloads

    A simple property-based testing framework written in pure Elixir.

  • stream_perlin0.1.1


    Generate a stream of random-ish floats between -1 and 1 using the Perlin algorithm. When plotted, the points will tend to form a smooth curve. This is useful when generating mock values that are supposed to be "natural."

  • work_queue0.0.3

    1 205 Downloads

    A simple implement of the Hungry Consumer model of concurrent servers.

Dave Thomas