
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
84 851

  • bamboo_fallback2.0.0

    23 514 Downloads

    Allows you to use multiple adapters for the Bamboo email app to increase the guarantee of emails delivering.

  • confispex1.1.0

    27 974 Downloads

    Tool for casting runtime config values using defined schema.

  • datacop0.1.4

    4 648 Downloads

    An authorization library with dataloader and absinthe support.

  • ecto_squash0.1.0


    A Mix task intended to streamline migration squashing.

  • hot_config0.2.0

    12 118 Downloads

    Hot config reloading for your application.

  • phone_verification0.4.0

    16 045 Downloads

    The package allows you to verify phone number using simple API.