
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
108 312 396

  • argon2_elixir4.1.0

    5 697 791 Downloads

    Argon2 password hashing algorithm for Elixir

  • bcrypt_elixir3.2.0

    45 948 787 Downloads

    Bcrypt password hashing algorithm for Elixir

  • blake2_elixir0.8.1

    22 273 Downloads

    Blake2 cryptographic hashing function for Elixir

  • comeonin5.5.0

    54 301 716 Downloads

    A specification for password hashing libraries

  • comeonin_i18n0.1.3

    3 132 Downloads

    Internationalization support for the Comeonin password hashing library.

  • not_qwerty1232.4.1

    190 613 Downloads

    Library to check password strength and generate random passwords.

  • one_time_pass_ecto1.1.1

    155 209 Downloads

    One-time password library for Elixir

  • openmaize3.0.1

    34 304 Downloads

    Authentication library for Elixir using Plug

  • openmaize_jwt1.0.0

    6 005 Downloads

    JSON Web Token library for use with the Openmaize authentication library.

  • pbkdf2_elixir2.3.0

    1 779 282 Downloads

    Pbkdf2 password hashing algorithm for Elixir.

  • phauxth2.5.1

    173 284 Downloads

    Authentication library for Phoenix, and other Plug-based, web applications