
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
38 810 522

  • boundary0.10.3

    954 294 Downloads

    Managing cross-module dependencies in Elixir projects.

  • ci0.1.1

    5 001 Downloads

    CI/CD toolkit as an Elixir library

  • con_cache1.1.0

    3 440 242 Downloads

    ETS based key-value storage with support for row-level isolated writes, TTL auto-purge, and modification callbacks.

  • exactor2.2.4

    32 185 778 Downloads

    Simplified creation of GenServer based processes in Elixir.

  • fsm0.3.1

    1 703 163 Downloads

    Finite state machine as a functional data structure.

  • parent0.12.1

    487 884 Downloads

    Custom parenting of processes.

  • provider0.1.0


    Managing operator configuration

  • site_encrypt0.6.0

    30 261 Downloads

    Integrated certification via Let's encrypt for Elixir-powered sites

  • workex0.10.0

    3 742 Downloads

    A behaviour for simple flow control and backpressure.

Saša Jurić