
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
1 030 397

  • absinthe_error_payload1.1.4

    1 021 090 Downloads

    Utilities to return Ecto validation error messages in an absinthe graphql response.

  • absinthe_security0.1.0

    1 632 Downloads

    This library provides security utilities to validate a GraphQL query before executing it.

  • factori0.14.1

    5 553 Downloads

    Test factories generated from database schema

  • solage0.0.1


    Provides basic functionalities to implement a JSON API-compliant API.

  • vega_lite_convert0.6.0

    1 780 Downloads

    Interface for vl-convert-rs crate, VegaLite component spec to SVG.

Simon Prévost