
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
52 952 312

  • browser0.5.2

    1 427 900 Downloads

    Browser detection library

  • ex_cli0.1.6

    105 042 Downloads

    Library to build CLI applications

  • git_cli0.3.0

    1 100 157 Downloads

    A simple interface to Git CLI

  • hound1.1.1

    1 962 598 Downloads

    Webdriver library for integration testing and browser automation

  • jsurl_ex0.1.0


    Package to work with the jsurl format

  • navigation_history0.4.0

    597 906 Downloads

    Navigation history tracking plug

  • phoenix_active_link0.3.2

    453 853 Downloads

    Phoenix view helper to manage "active" state of a link

  • pushex0.2.3

    46 654 Downloads

    Mobile push notification library

  • secure_password0.6.0

    11 002 Downloads

    A port of Rails has_secure_password for Ecto models

  • seedex0.3.0

    35 918 Downloads

    Seed data generation for Ecto

  • temp0.4.7

    46 987 484 Downloads

    An Elixir module to easily create and use temporary files and directories.

  • web_push_encryption0.3.1

    223 424 Downloads

    Web push encryption library

Daniel Perez