
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
6 610 373

  • confex3.5.0

    5 897 144 Downloads

    Helper module that provides a nice way to read configuration at runtime from environment variables or via adapter-supported interface.

  • ecto_paging0.8.4

    9 462 Downloads

    Cursor-based pagination for Ecto.

  • ecto_trail0.4.4

    47 407 Downloads

    This package allows to add audit log that is based on Ecto changesets and stored in a separate table.

  • egndf0.2.2

    1 446 Downloads

    Simple Elixir client for open-source decision engine Gandalf

  • eview0.16.0

    206 800 Downloads

    Plug that converts response to Nebo #15 API spec format.

  • jvalid1.0.0

    123 453 Downloads

    Json Schema validation helper, that allows to store schemes in a separate files.

  • nex_json_schema0.8.6

    200 868 Downloads

    A JSON Schema validator with full support for the draft 4 specification and zero dependencies.

  • oxygen0.1.2


    Named GenServer

  • rbmq0.4.0

    4 840 Downloads

    Simple API for spawning RabbitMQ Producers and Consumers.

  • taskafka0.1.1

    6 091 Downloads

    TasKafka is a background processing application written in Elixir and uses Kafka as a messaging backend.

  • translit0.1.0

    112 331 Downloads

    Cyrillic ukrainian to latin transliteration