
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
24 366 992

  • bert0.2.1

    67 107 Downloads

    BERT Encoder/Decoder

  • erwatch0.3.0

    1 059 Downloads

    Erwatch is an Erlang/OTP application for tracking changes in a file system.

  • nats_msg0.4.1

    5 824 Downloads

    Pure Erlang NATS Protocol Message Encoder/Decoder

  • png0.2.1

    682 600 Downloads

    A pure Erlang library for creating PNG images. It can currently create 8 and 16 bit RGB, RGB with alpha, indexed, grayscale and grayscale with alpha images.

  • pot1.0.2

    23 594 588 Downloads

    POT is an Erlang library for generating Google Authenticator compatible one time passwords.

  • random0.2.4

    3 477 Downloads

    This module contains pseudo-random number generators for various distributions ported from Python 3 random module for Elixir.

  • simpre0.1.0


    Simple Process Registry

  • teacup0.3.4

    6 429 Downloads

    Simple TCP client library for Erlang

  • teacup_nats0.4.1

    5 121 Downloads

    Teacup based NATS Client for Erlang

  • yes_msg0.1.0


    Yet another simple message (YES) parser for Erlang.

Yüce Tekol